Pan’s labyrinth
I watched Pan’s labyrinth yesterday. It was good, but bloody violent. And the noise of the bugs/fairies annoys me -__-.
parcel 2
Goooodies!! Today is a good day, I got 2 parcels! This is a box of snacks from home! Yay! With a new shirt and 2 keroro red po
Finally got the parcel from T :D. GH got it since 5 Feb but I never found any notice in the mailbox! I had to ask them at the
Ned Block
I drew that picture from memory after I got home from his 2-hrs talk on consciousness. It was a very interesting talk. And I
while waiting for hair cut…
I did 4 quick sketches during the 30min wait… it is a small salon with mirrors on both sides of the wall , the reflectio
Coca Cola
It’s soo loud, keep urging me to draw it.
Thank You
Thank you very much :’)
I love hats, and I love blue. There’s nothing better than a ‘warm brand’ hat :) Two failed attempts, so hard
5.5 * 7cm, ink, 30min I dreamed of the cat Mitsu just now. It shrinks to mouse size and the couches become too high for him, b