Andrea’s place
Visited Andrea last weekend.. drew that from memory after I got back.. She sent me this ‘quote’ by Frank Kafka in
a silly story about waiting for nothing… read it here..
spring flowers
2*1″, acrylics on bristol board. So warm these days, sunny and nice outside.. i wanna go out to take photos……
plum blossoms
2*3″, acrylics on bristol board. JY was showing me how to do some Chinese paintings on rice paper last weekend, we did s
Handmade journal – Sa paper
I found this cute journal at Chinatown as well, it said its handmade in Thailand with Sa paper… I tried it with watercol
EDM #57 – Draw a picture frame and the picture in it. Write about why it’s special to you.
I found a set of 2 mini frames (2*3″) in Chinatown the other day, and I decided to frame one of my mini paintings. I pic
I made this book up finally… please check it out. comments welcome. :)
EDM #38 – month long challenge until end of November 2005 – draw at a museum
I’ve been wanting to do this for a loong time.. and I’ve been meaning to go to the Bata Shoe Museum since last sum
golden pig year
It’s the Chinese new year tomorrow. Wish you all a happy golden pig year.