ABAD: Day 37 – Gondola Bear
G for Gondola.
ABAD: Day 36 – Flatback Truck Bear
F for Flatback Truck.
ABAD: Day 35 – Earthmover Bear
E for Earth-mover. Earth-mover Bear
ABAD: Day 34 – Dinghy Bear
D for Dinghy.
ABAD: Day 33 – Cable Car Bear
C for Cable Car.
Mr. Prata and L’Espresso
We had an evening walk around CCAB last week, and stopped at Mr. Prata to enjoy some yummy prata and one of my favorite drinks
ABAD: Day 32 – Bus Bear
B for bus.
ABAD: Day 31 – Airplane Bear
Continuing with the ABAD project, July’s theme is Bear’s A to Z! A for airplane.
ABAD: Day 30 – Sailing Bear
sail sail sail bear is sailing away~