This is the entrance of FairPrice at Coronation Plaza. We usually get our groceries here.
Bukit Timah Plaza
Bukit Timah Plaza is a pretty old shopping complex, but you can find all kinds of stores there. My friend took me there for La
ABAD: Day 43 – Moped Bear
M for Moped.
Tiong Bahru Community Sketchwalk
It was a very hot day last sunday. Everyone’s out sketching already when I finally arrived at the White Canvas Gallery.
ABAD: Day 41 – Kayak Bear
K for Kayak.
ABAD: Day 40 – Jalopy Bear
J for Jalopy.
ABAD: Day 39 – Iceboat Bear
I for Iceboat.
ABAD: Day 38 – Helicopter Bear
H for Helicopter.
IF: remedy
the remedy is about to ready…