IF: hibernate
bear hibernating in the snow
The Devil and Miss Prym
Picked up this book at a secondhand book sales for only S$4 last month. Finished reading it not long ago, and one day after i
Staedtler triplus fineliner
Got a pack of Staedtler triplus fineliner (0.3mm, 6 colors) from Popular Book store for S$4. I tested it on a yellow color mem
ABAD: Day 50 – Tram Bear
T for Tram.
ABAD: Day 45 – outrigger canoe bear
O for outrigger canoe.
ABAD: Day 44 – Narrowboat Bear
N for Narrowboat.
ABAD: Day 43 – Moped Bear
M for Moped.
IF: gesture
finger-crossed bunny
Faber-Castell Jumbo Magic Pens
I bought this for S$3.5 and quite like it. The colors are bright, and the best thing is you can make both thin and thick lines