ABAD: Day 46 – Paddlewheeler Bear
I took a week’s break from the ABAD project, and now I’m back! P is for Paddlewheeler.
ABAD: Day 44 – Narrowboat Bear
N for Narrowboat.
ABAD: Day 41 – Kayak Bear
K for Kayak.
ABAD: Day 39 – Iceboat Bear
I for Iceboat.
ABAD: Day 37 – Gondola Bear
G for Gondola.
ABAD: Day 34 – Dinghy Bear
D for Dinghy.
Sai Kung sketches
went sketching around the Sai Kung Pier and the waterfront park area with family last month… a few months ago, i also vi
went down to shau kei wan and sketched last weekend…