blue angel
2.5*3.5″, acrylics on bristol board
red flower
2.5*3.5″, acrylics got too much red paint left from last painting, so just randomly painted this, but i like how it turn
2.5*3.5″, acrylics on canvas paper the background was first yellow, then reddish brown, then blue.. not what i planned
WC: let’s illustrate no.2 “making a wish”
I like the watercolor version better…
2.5*3.5″, acrylics on canvas paper I only noticed that she turned out like Yoshitomo Nara’s drawings after I paint
angel wings
2.5*3.5″, acrylics on canvas paper, 20min Just wanted to try out the canvas paper I bought yesterday. First time paintin
fire dance
2.5 *3.5″, acrylics, 30min I liked the fire dance sketch, so I decided to paint it with acrylics. The background was dee
2.5″*3.5″, acrylics, 1.5 hours. Wanted to paint one of those “streetlight paintings” photos, but it di