Thursday sketchwalk at Teck Lim Road and Bukit Pasoh last week. It was a very hot day. We found a shady spot at Teck Lim Road that looks into the back alley of the shophouses on Kiang Siak Road. Finish two sketches in around an hour.


back alley
After lunch, we head to Bukit Pasoh Road and continue to sketch more.

Bukit Pasoh Road

Keow Siong Club

Keow Siong Club

The Gan Clan Association
It happens that we were sketching next to Books Cellar. The owner came out and look at our sketches while we were doing the show-and-tell. He kindly suggests that we can put our sketches for sales at his cafe! What a nice surprise! We also took a look at the cafe and I found it a very cozy place to chill and hangout! I should go back and draw the cafe some time soon!